Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New Hobby!!

I know. I know you are wondering what I am thinking.  Well I am taking a photography class Wahoo!!
With what time I have I know I don't need a new thing.  But I have figured that it is at least I will be able to take better photos for blogging and also but the Book Tables photos.

So what do you think.
We stayed in the studio and took pics of flowers because it was raining.

I think it was great and learned a lot.
Can't wait to see what is next.  Check back to see.

Missed You!

Have you missed me.  I have missed you.  Things have been a little crazy lately and I hope that they will calm down soon.  Time flies and you can never catch up.  So hopefully I will be able to post better and have more ideas for you soon than later.  Come back soon. 